Sunday, November 20, 2011

Life Lesson 106: Stop Lying to Other People

Good Evening Everyone,

I hope that you all had a productive weekend. My weekend was very busy but I am glad that it was very productive. In any event, I had many thoughts this morning. But most of my thoughts surrounded the reasons why people lie. Are they trying to protect themselves? Do they really know that they are lying? Well, some people lie because it is a convenient way to get out of a certain situation. No matter what happens, lying is never the best course of action when you are trying to come to a conclusion on a matter.

Here are some reasons why people lie:
1. People lie because they know that they have been caught. When a person is caught up, the first thing they want to do is to deflect the blame on other people. They are never at fault. But they fail to realize that lying is digging them into a deeper hole that they will not be able to get out of in the future.
2. People lie because they are unhappy with their current life situation. If you are unhappy, you need to get some counseling or change your present circumstances. Lying doesn't improve your hurts you and other people that are around you.
3. People tend to lie because they are immature. A mature person would admit what they have done wrong and then they would apologize and move on. An immature person will lie until the end because they have lied through every situation in their lives so they do not see why they should change their current pattern. This is why immature people do not progress as fast as mature people. Immature people tend to hold on to illusions while mature people hold on to reality.
4. People lie because they know they were wrong in the first place. If you know you are wrong, admit it. But to keep lying about it says that you don't care about yourself. It also says that you don't care about who will be affected by your actions.
5. People lie because they are selfish. Liars are the most selfish people around. They are the center of their universe and everyone else is secondary. Selfish people tend to make concessions on why they lie but no one can use those same concessions when they lie to a liar. There is no middle ground.....a lie is a lie no matter who says it.
6. A person will lie when they know they are losing a battle in their life. For Example: If you have two people who are fighting, everyone knows that someone will lose and someone will win. Well, if one person tells the truth and the other person chooses to lie, it will show that the person who is being truthful is the winner. The person who lies will always be a loser. If you are losing a battle in life, you need to be honest with yourself and say that you made errors. Bill Clinton said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." (Time Magazine) But we later found out that he did have relations with Monica Lewinsky. In life, if you are wrong, admit it and move forward.
7. A person will lie when they want something really bad. Some people make excuses for the things that they want. For Example: If a single man wants to be with a single woman, he will take the necessary steps so that he can have her in his life. However, if a man is in a relationship, and he chooses to date someone else, he will lie to one woman in order to cover the tracks that have been made with another woman. You can want something really bad but it is not what you do, it is how you do it. Do it the right way and pursue one person so that you don't have to lie to anyone about anything.
8. People lie because they have been lying all of their lives. Some people live, breathe, and eat lies. The sad part is that their world is a made-up image of their screwed up life. If people would look in the mirror, they would realize that they are the cause of their misfortunes. You can blame other people but you live in your body. You determine what you will and won't do. Stop pointing fingers at other people and point that finger at yourself.
9. People lie when they know that they can get away with it. In some relationships, people lie so that they can stay in their current situation while pursuing other interests. The interesting thing is that people believe their lies. If a person says "I will not hit you again" but they have hit you many times before, you need to think about your current state of mind. If you like being hit, stick around. In due time, the abuse will get worse. Your life is a reflection of what you choose to accept. If a person can get away with mistreating you, they will. Don't be a fool and take it. Get up, get some help, and know that no one deserves ill treatment from anyone. Your motto should be: "I will not accept anymore is time to grasp reality so that I can get on with my life."
10. People lie because they have convinced themselves that they are the best person in the world for you. In all honesty, the only person that is the best person for us is God. Humans have flaws and over time, they will begin to show. Never make a person out of a God. In due time, they will show you that they are human and they make lots of mistakes. Also, stop letting people lie and tell you that you can't be with someone who will appreciate you. You can stay in a bad situation if you want to and in due time, your life will be a living hell. You deserve to be with someone who will love you for who you are. A person who lies will love parts of you and if you don't change when they want you to change, they will begin to despise you. Before getting into a relationship, get to know yourself first. Figure out what you want out of life. Then, seek to find someone that has those qualities. Don't settle for less because when you settle, you will get something that is worse than garbage. You deserve a diamond.....a cubic zirconia will not do!

                                    Stop the lies and be honest about what you are doing.
                                The more you lie, the more people will lose respect for you.

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