I hope that you all are having a wonderful work day. My day is going great because I am getting one step closer to completing my doctoral degree within the next 18 months. In any event, I am excited about my journey and what I have learned along the way. Recently, I have been thinking about relationships and how people tend to change over time. Too often, we think that people will remain the same and when they change, we get upset. So today, we are going to discuss why relationships change over time.
Why do they change?
Relationships change because people start to get clear about what they really want. Some people get into relationships and they think that they want a person who understands them and communicates with them. Over time, they realize that they want a person who wants to be affectionate with them and someone who wants quiet time. As humans, we are allowed to change our minds when it comes to what we want in relationships. But the main thing is that we need to communicate these needs to our partners.
Relationships change because of the people that we hang around. If we hang around a lot of negative people, in due time, we will bring that negativity into our relationships. Too much negativity can cause the breakdown of any relationship. When you are in a relationship, you need to surround yourself by people who are positive about their relationships. Things may not be going well today but it can get better over time if you keep a positive perspective.
Relationships change when you voice your personal relationship business to your friends. When you tell your friends about what is going in your relationships, you are giving your friends a chance to offer their opinion on your relationship. You are opening yourself up to judgment from people who do not know what is going on in your life. It is best to keep your relationship under wraps so that it has the best chance of surviving the storms of change in your life.
If you want your relationship to work, you need to be willing to communicate your needs to your partner!