Thursday, November 10, 2011

Life Lesson 102: Why do people take detours in life?

Good Evening Readers,

I hope that you had an exciting day today. Today was an eventful day for me and I am glad that it is over. As I went throughout my day, I started thinking about detours that people take in route to finding their purpose in life. Too often, these detours cause people to get further and further away from their purpose. We all take detours but we need to make sure that we can find our way back to the pathway that we are supposed to follow.

Here are some reasons why people take detours in life:
1. People take detours in life because they are afraid of what other people will think of them. Many people live their lives based on what other people think they should do and in no time, they are living their lives according to someone else's standards. Stop looking at other people and look at yourself. You chose the you need to find your way back to where you are supposed to be.
2. Detours are taken because people tend to think that their emotions are leading them in the right direction. Misguided emotions will cause you to be in situations that you never thought you would be in. You will end up in a marriage/relationship and you will realize that you are with the other person for all the wrong reasons. Stop relying on your emotions and start relying on your heart. If you heart says "No", follow your heart and don't make a bad decision.
3. People tend to take detours because they do not want to apply themselves. Nothing is worse than a lazy person who has a dream. The laziness will keep you away from taking the necessary steps to get closer to your dream. If you don't want to apply yourself, fine. But stop talking about what you want to do when you aren't making a conscious effort to follow your dream. Get up, get out, and go after your dreams.
4. People tend to take detours because their friends took detours. In life, there are too many people who want to follow other people. Whatever happened to people being original. I would rather see a person chart a new path than to walk a failed path that many people have walked. Stop following other's time to step out on your own so you can move forward in life.
5. Some people take detours because they want to have a certain status in life. A status is one thing but missing out on your dreams is another thing. Status is a title that people hold based on a certain specification. For Example: Teacher, Husband, Sister, Founder, Chair. In any event, a status is not a good reason to defer your dreams. You need to be willing to follow your dreams no matter what your status is. In all things, be modest with titles. A title will not get you any closer to being King/Queen of the Hill but it will get your closer to believing the illusion that you are higher than others. A humble man doesn't need a status....his work ethic and his life decisions will speak for him.
6. Too many people take detours because they don't know how to use the word "No". If you never learn this word, you will always be standing behind the eight ball when the mess begins. Saying yes all the time is the best way to get yourself caught up in things that are not in your best interest. Learn to think things through so that you can decide if you are making the right decision or not. Saying "No" is not a bad thing, it just shows that you have a voice and you are looking at what is best for you.
7. Detours are taken when people follow the wrong crowd. If you are following a crowd of people that like to do bad things, in due time, you will do bad things as well. If your friends go to jail, and you hung with them before they went to jail, pretty soon you will be in jail as well. Be mindful of who you hang out with. In time, their habits will become your habits.
8. Some people take detours because they feel like their lives aren't moving the way their friend's life is moving. Too many people look at other people's lives and they envy them. Be careful with being envious of other folks. Many people are doing underground things in order to maintain their lifestyle. In due time, you will see that you were jealous of an illusion. Learn to be happy with yourself. When this happens, you will be able to avoid detours so that you can stay on the pathway to success.
9. Too many people get caught up in detours because they are not mature. Immature people tend to make decisions without thinking about the people that they are affecting. If you deal with immature people, you must know that they are looking out for themselves at all times. In any event, immature people need to take the time to grow up. Some people need 5 years and other folks need 10 years. But do not make any serious decisions until you are mature enough to handle the consequences. If you ever wonder why people don't know where their life is going, it is because they are immature and they need to take lots of time to figure out where they want to be in the future.
10. Lastly, many people take detours because they are afraid of being successful. The common saying is "It didn't work for him/her, why should it work for me?" In saying this statement, you just defeated your purpose. If it didn't work for someone else, you need to find ways for it to work out for you. A big part of being successful is having a strong support system around you. Even in your worst times, you need people around you who will tell you that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. Common statements: "You can do it baby!", "I am so proud of you", "Success is in your hands", etc. Go and achieve your dreams and let go of the excuses that you have in your mind.

I hope that this list was helpful. Please do not take detours to your dreams. If you take detours, you will only have 2 choices: To get back on the path towards success or to abandon the path for a miserable life. If you are alive, it is not too late to change your course of life. Go out and do what is necessary to be successful!

Where a dream lives, success is just around the corner!

Avoid the  in your life!

The Author Journey continues........................

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