I hope that your morning started off on the right foot. Today, I was thinking about forgiveness and why we should forgive other people who have hurt us. Too often, people tend to hold on to the hurt and they end up lashing out at other people. Forgiving others is the best way to relieve yourself of the hurt that you have been feeling for days, months, or even years.
Here are some helpful tips that will help you as you learn to forgive others:
1. Forgiveness begins with you. You cannot forgive anyone else if you have not forgiven yourself for what you have done. Admit that you made a mistake so that you can begin the forgiving process with your life. After forgiving yourself, you need to learn to forgive others. Even though people hurt you, you don't have the right to hurt them back. Learn to forgive and move on!
2. Forgiveness is good for your heart. In life, if you hold all of your frustration on the inside, it could begin to affect your overall health. Would you want to be in the hospital because you could not find effective ways to handle your frustration? Most people would say no. Your heart is a part of who you are. You should do all that you can to make your heart happy on a daily basis.
3. Forgiveness frees your mind. All of the anger that you hold on to needs to be released. Once you release it, you will be able to make room for the happy times in your life. Free your mind and allow yourself time so that you can enjoy the life that you have been given.
4. Forgiveness is more about you then the other person. Nine times out of ten, the person that hurt you is sleeping good at night while you are tossing and turning in your bed. It is time to let go of what the person did to you. Hold on to it makes you are prisoner in your own mind. It is time to give your mind a break so that your body can get the rest that it really needs.
5. Forgiveness works in various situations. If your coworker took your lunch, you need to forgive them. Why? You don't know what their circumstances are and why they took your lunch. Maybe they can't afford to bring their own lunch or perhaps they enjoy eating your lunch. The next day, you could try to bring 2 lunches: one for you and one for your coworker. Showing kindness can help you to forgive other people.
6. Jesus forgave others and so can you! In the Bible, Jesus was mistreated by many people. Even though he could have made their lives miserable, he chose not to. He took the high road and he helped people with the things that they were dealing with in their lives. If he took the high road, why can't you?
7. Forgiveness is a great way to continue on your path to success. Some people hold on to past hurt and it ends up making them bitter people. In their bitterness, they tend to lose sight of their dreams. Bitterness is not the way to handle your problems. Forgiveness can free you from the bitterness that you have in your heart. Again, it is time to let it go.
8. Forgiveness shows others people that they can forgive as well. In life, the way you treat other people is the way that people will think that you will treat them. If you forgive other people, you will be setting a pattern that will help others to forgive the people that have mistreated them.
9. Forgiveness allows you to be around the person who hurt you without animosity. Too many people exist around people who have hurt them and the only thing that they can do is get mad and gossip about them. Be honest with yourself: Are you 12 or are you 32? If you are 32, you no longer have an excuse to act like a 12 year old. Grow up and let go of the animosity that you are holding on to. It's up to you to make a change in your life.
10. Lastly, forgiveness shows that you are beyond what happened to you. Your past should not define your future. So please know that moving forward in your life shows that you are taking your life into your own hands. No one can control your life but you. But forgiveness is the final step that can give you closure on your past. Once you have forgiven, you can move forward and embrace your life and all of the opportunities that are coming your way.
If you look like this, it is time for you to start the forgiving process!
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