Monday, February 13, 2012

Life Lesson 125: Learn to be Happy for Other People

Dear Readers,

I hope that your day is going well so far. My day is going great because I am getting a lot of things done before my Promoting Purpose Radio Interview this evening at 6pm EST. (Link:
sherrellvaldezloqui) In any event, I was thinking about the people that we surround ourselves with and why some people are not happy for other people. There are various reasons why they are not happy but we will discover ways that you can learn to be happy for other people.

Let's go....

Some people are not happy for others because they do not want to see them rise higher than they are. Basically, it is a crab syndrome. If you try to rise, I am going to do all that I can so that I can pull you down to my level. People who are always trying to pull you down are not in your corner at all. As much as possible, it is better to be happy for other people when they are trying to rise above their current situation. When you rise, you will want other people to be happy for you as well.

Some people are not happy for other people because they are jealous of them. There are some people who are jealous of you because they want to be right where you are. These people do not want to see you succeed in anything because they are not succeeding in their lives. In the end, their jealousy will keep them down because they are not pursuing their own dreams. Overall, jealousy will get you nowhere. Try to come outside of your comfort zone so that you can embrace the success of other people. 

Some people are not happy for others because they are not visionaries. They do not have a vision for their lives and they will not be able to see the vision in your life. These people live day to day on the same paycheck that they have had for the past couple of years. They do not want anything better in their lives so they have stopped dreaming. But their lack of motivation should not affect your dreams. No matter where you are, you should be happy for others and the goals that they are trying to reach.

                              There are rewards in being happy for other people!

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