Friday, October 28, 2011

Networking 102: Radio Interiews

Good Afternoon Readers,

I hope that this is a great marketing day for you. Today, I would like to speak about Networking through Radio Interviews. Many people believe that their product should sit on a shelf and people will notice it as they walk by. Well, a radio interview (or a series of them) could give your product the exposure that it needs so that people can go and look for the product in their local stores.

Here is my advice on getting a Radio Interview:

1. Be professional. Use proper English so that you can convey your business to others.
2. Have a professional letter ready so that you can send it out to potential radio shows and radio personalities.
3. Be willing to send out a copy of your product so that radio hosts can form their own opinion of your work. Their opinion is important because you are trying to sell your product to their audience.
4. Be patient. Give the radio hosts a chance to review your product. In 2-3 weeks, do a follow-up call.
5. When a time and date is set up, write it down in 2 places (calendar/cell phone). Missing a radio interview could mean that you are missing out on a chance to market your product in the radio's viewing area.

Here is my advice on how to conduct yourself during a Radio Interview:
1. Remember that you are the author. No one should know your book better than you do. Speak clearly and intelligently.
2. Try to relax. The easiest part is over (writing the book). Now the hard part begins: marketing the book.
3. Be confident when you speak about your book. People can tell if you believe in your product by how you convey the book to the audience.
4. Be ready to answer questions from the interviewer and from callers on the phone. If you knows the answer, say it. If you do not know, be honest and say that you do not know.
5. Enjoy the interview and critique yourself later. No interview will be perfect. But each interview will get you closer to getting your book in the hands of the radio audience.

Here is some sage advice: Pray before each interview. (Seriously!) Prayer has calmed me down during radio interviews. Also, think of the interviewer as one of your best friends. Talk about the book as if you know the person who is interviewing you. Lastly, have a powerful pitch ready as the interview ends. Leave the readers with something to think about. On that note, I will sign off so that I can prepare for my next Radio Interview. On November 3, 2011, I will be interviewed by Terri Clay on Terri's Favorite Things Show. The show will begin at 6pm. The phone number is: (424) 258-9284. Listen to the show at: www.blogtalkradio/terriclay

The Author Journey continues..........

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