Monday, October 31, 2011

Networking 104: Utilizing Connections with Family, Friends, and Church Members

Good Afternoon Readers,

I hope that your day is going well so far. Today, I thought about other ways that you can market your book. As I thought further, I thought about the connections that we all have with our friends, family members, and church members. Often times, we speak to these people when we have an idea and they tend to give us the best advice.
Well, here are some tips that you can use to market your book through your friends, family, and church members:
1. Find out if they are interested in your book. You cannot get a person to market your book if they have no interest in it.
2. If they are interested in your book, they will buy it.
3. After they buy the book, give them some time so that they can read your book and form their own opinion of your work.
4. After about a month or two, go and ask them what they learned from reading your book. Maybe you can invite a group of people to a set location so that you can get their impressions on the book.
5. After that, make sure that you give each person 2 of your business cards. Since they already have your business card, they can pass out the 2 business cards to people that they know.
6. As time goes on, you will have a network of people who believe in your product and they are not afraid to tell other people about it.
7. No matter what, always be prepared to tell others about your book. If you are at work, share it with your coworkers. If you are at church, share it with your church members. If you are in the grocery store, share it with the people who are shopping.
8. Above all things, be humble as you talk about your book. You want people to buy it but you don't want to come across as cocky because a bad attitude will make you lose a potential client.
9. You are connected to these people for a reason so be willing to tell them about your book and where you would like it to go in the future.
10. Lastly, just because a person is a family member, a friend, or a church member, it does not mean that they will embrace your book. Be selective on who you choose to tell about your book. You want to combat haters and people who want your dream to fail. Surround yourself by people who will embrace you, your book, and your talents. Above all things, don't forget to say thank you to the people who are helping you to market your book.

Well, I am gonna sign off. I am gonna do some homework and prepare for my interview with Terri Clay from The Talking with Terri Show. Lessons on Church Folk Volume 1 & Volume 2 will be a part of Terri's Favorite Things Show on Thursday (Nov. 3) at 6pm. Tune in to Feel free to call in and ask questions on the following number: (424) 258-9284

The Author Journey continues...........

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